The school has been a catalyst for social change and an effective instrument for human resource development. By adopting a number of social welfare programmes, the school has rendered invaluable service to the society. These programmes are a step forward in realizing the ideal of "Service before Self" and are engaged in igniting the potential spark of learning in the marginalized and underprivileged sections of the society. Thus the school has championed the cause of upliftment of the weaker section of society. Students have been donating eatables & clothes to the under privileged people.
Combating Drugs, AIDS, Tobacoo: Poster and Painting competitions Declamation contest have been held, Nukkad Nataks staged, Seminars and Talks arranged to combat the evils of drugs, AIDS and Tobacco.
Lending a Helping Hand: In order to understand the emotional needs of our grandparents and other aged people, to reduce generation gap and make a better world for them, the school has collaborated with Helpage India, an NGO. Visit to Old Age Home and celebrations for Grand Parents Day are organized to recognize their importance in our lives.
Creating a Better Environment: The school believes that true happiness lies in living in harmony with nature and not in conquering it. The Eco Club of the school has launched massive campaigns to spread clean environment consciousness amongst students. They have planted saplings, led anti crackers and anti polythene campaigns as part of their programmes. Earth Day is celebrated with great zest and zeal. Cleanliness Day is regularly observed.